Watch the Halloween News on TV (19 hours***, 21 hours and 30 minutes**, 1 day*)ġ0. Have a Sim talk to the ghost in the Park.ħ. Have a Sim hide near a bench in the Park.Ħ. Hide at the Park (2 hours and 20 minutes). Approach the Purple Monster (2 seconds).ĥ. Call a Costume Store (4 minutes***, 4 minutes and 30 seconds**, 5 minutes*).Ĥ. Have a Sim browse the internet on a computer for a new costume.Ģ.
Browse for a Costume (48 seconds***, 54 seconds**, 1 minute*). Part 4: cute Fairy and frightening Scarecrow costume set for your teen Simsġ. Part 3: wild Unicorn and Lion costume set for your preteen Sims Part 2: adorable Astronaut costume set for your toddler Sims Part 1: magical Fawn and imposing Reanimated costume set for adult Sims
– Complete this quest to win a costume pack including a Witch, Ghost, Pirate, Zombie and more!